Matthew Is the Clear Villain in Love Is Blind Season 6


preview for Love Is Blind: Season 6 - Official Trailer (Netflix)

LOVE IS BLIND may claim to be a matchmaking experiment, but the Netflix show usually just shows all the typical frustrations of modern dating with a slight twist. It turns out even when physical attraction isn’t an initial factor, there are still all sorts of other hangups that can make or break a relationship.

For Love Is Blind Season 6, the show immediately jumps in with its first major drama in the first few episodes: a love triangle with AD, Matthew, and Clay. It’s a common occurrence on the show for contestants to like multiple people, and then decide only at the end of the experiment who they want to end up with. But while AD tried to figure out who she got along with the best, a huge curveball got thrown her way.

It turns out Matthew felt a strong connection to AD, so much so that he started talking about how he wished he could ask her (late) father for her hand in marriage, and said he would leave the experiment with her right away if he could. AD loved to hear how excited Matthew was to start a future with her… until she returned to the Women’s Quarters.

Matthew didn’t just say all those statements to her; he said them to Amber, another woman on the show. The two women discussed the strange coincidence, and then AD confronted Matthew. But she didn’t get the assurance she needed that he was really interested in her. In fact, as soon as AD called him out, Matthew became more concerned with how he would be portrayed on the show, and gave AD an ultimatum if she actually wanted to be with him. She didn’t take the bait, thankfully. And Amber, so devastated by Matthew’s odd behavior, decided to leave the show entirely. Big yikes, but it’s probably a bullet dodged.

While only Netflix and the contestants know what really went down, it’s worth asking: was Matthew love bombing?

Was Matthew love bombing in Love Is Blind Season 6?

love is blind matthew in episode 601 of love is blind cr courtesy of netflix copy 2024


Matthew in Love Is Blind Season 6

For anyone unaware, “love bombing” is a relatively new phenomenon in the dating world, but it’s defined as when someone showers a love interest with affection and compliments, promises of a dating future, and gifts. And then, in an instant, they pull away, claiming things are moving too fast.

Experts claim love bombing is common with narcissists and sociopaths, who do it for their ego and don’t even realize how it could hurt another person. And if someone doesn’t fit the category of narcissist or sociopath (only around 1% of the population fits the bill for one and 1-4% for the other), then there could also be another reason for the sudden switch-up: the honeymoon phase.

Anyone can love bomb, even if they don’t realize it, whether it’s because they really really like someone but realize the connection isn’t there, or just aren’t ready for a relationship. It’s a headache in the regular dating world, but in Love Is Blind, it’s especially hard when the goal is to get married right away.

love is blind l to r amber g, ad in episode 601 of love is blind cr courtesy of netflix copy 2024


Amber G and AD discussing Matthew.

Matthew’s constant doting on both Amber and AD definitely felt sudden for viewers. Plus, once AD confronted him about potentially making empty promises to both women, he didn’t appear to try and change her mind too much.

We also saw that once AD left their conversation, Matthew went back to the Men’s Quarters and muttered that he’d try to go after Amber instead. It sounds like he was doing some love bombing, or at least stringing the two women along until he could figure out which one fell for his charms. He must have not anticipated that they’d compare notes. As far as we know, it sounds like Matthew went home alone.

Whatever his true intentions were, it’s clear they weren’t the path to love. Pay attention, guys; this is exactly what not to do to win a woman’s heart.

Headshot of Milan Polk

Milan Polk

Milan Polk is an Editorial Assistant for Men’s Health who specializes in entertainment and lifestyle reporting, and has worked for New York Magazine’s Vulture and Chicago Tribune.


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