
Should one size fit all? Beer, spirits and wine divided over EU packaging plan

The far-reaching EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive was voted through by the European Parliament on November 22 with 426 votes in favor, 125...

Danone ramping up efforts to curb enteric methane emissions

Acting now to reduce methane emissions will provide immediate benefits to the climate that carbon dioxide reductions cannot achieve on their own, said Danone. The...

Climate labels at COP28 expected to influence food purchase behaviour

The 28th​ edition of the United Nations Climate Change Conference is about it open its doors. In just two days’ time, an estimated 70,000...

Nestlé invests £7 million into new hard-to-recycle plastics plant

Overcoming the environmental implications of hard-to-recycle plastics and the barriers to handling them in food and beverage production is a key industry concern.The problematic...

Mintel top trends to watch for in 2024: Processed foods, climate change, healthy aging

In the webinar, Zegler broke down the trends to watch for in 2024 into four distinct categories, including Trust the Process; Climate Changes, Comfort...


